Tornado Vintage and Caroline & Angelo
A few words about Tornado Vintage, Caroline & Angelo
In November 2017 we celebrated our fifth year with our Rockin Lifestyle Shop.
We started out as ”Sivletto Enviken” but since May 2017 we changed name to ” Silver Tornado Vintage Enviken” & went independant.
We are a couple that loves & lives the Rockin 50s lifestyle & has both been around since we were teenagers.
We truly are into vintage clothes,music,cars & furniture & are often seen on quality Rock & Roll parties both in Sweden & around the world.
Bop til´ya Drop!
Caroline & Angelo

Please visit our shop!
Wednesday 12-18
Saturday 11-16
The store is currently open two days a week. But please call if you are nearby any other day of the week and want to shop. If we can, we will open up for you!